
class Hyperplane(bspy.manifold.Manifold):

A hyperplane is a Manifold defined by a unit normal, a point on the hyperplane, and a tangent space orthogonal to the normal.

  • normal (array-like): The unit normal.
  • point (array-like): A point on the hyperplane.
  • tangentSpace (array-like): A array of tangents that are linearly independent and orthogonal to the normal.

The number of coordinates in the normal defines the dimension of the range of the hyperplane. The point must have the same dimension. The tangent space must be shaped: (dimension, dimension-1). Thus the dimension of the domain is one less than that of the range.

Hyperplane(normal, point, tangentSpace)
maxAlignment = 0.99

If a shift of 1 in the normal direction of one manifold yields a shift of 10 in the tangent plane intersection, the manifolds are parallel.

def complete_slice(self, slice, solid):

Add any missing inherent (implicit) boundaries of this manifold's domain to the given slice of the given solid that are needed to make the slice valid and complete.

  • slice (Solid): The slice of the given solid formed by the manifold. The slice may be incomplete, missing some of the manifold's inherent domain boundaries. Its dimension must match self.domain_dimension().
  • solid (Solid): The solid being sliced by the manifold. Its dimension must match self.range_dimension().
  • domain (Solid): A domain for this manifold that may be incomplete, missing some of the manifold's inherent domain boundaries. Its dimension must match self.domain_dimension().
See Also

Solid.slice: Slice the solid by a manifold.


Since hyperplanes have no inherent domain boundaries, this operation only tests for point containment for zero-dimension hyperplanes (points).

def copy(self):

Copy the hyperplane.

def create_axis_aligned(dimension, axis, offset, flipNormal=False):

Create an axis-aligned hyperplane.

  • dimension (int): The dimension of the hyperplane.
  • axis (int): The number of the axis (0 for x, 1 for y, ...).
  • offset (float): The offset from zero along the axis of a point on the hyperplane.
  • flipNormal (bool, optional): A Boolean indicating that the normal should point toward in the negative direction along the axis. Default is False, meaning the normal points in the positive direction along the axis.
  • hyperplane (Hyperplane): The axis-aligned hyperplane.
def create_hypercube(bounds):

Create a solid hypercube.

  • bounds (array-like): An array with shape (dimension, 2) of lower and upper and lower bounds for the hypercube.
  • hypercube (Solid): The hypercube.
def domain_dimension(self):

Return the domain dimension.

  • dimension (int):
def evaluate(self, domainPoint):

Return the value of the manifold (a point on the manifold).

  • domainPoint (numpy.array): The 1D array at which to evaluate the point.
  • point (numpy.array):
def flip_normal(self):

Flip the direction of the normal.

  • hyperplane (Hyperplane): The hyperplane with flipped normal. The hyperplane retains the same tangent space.
See Also

Solid.complement: Return the complement of the solid: whatever was inside is outside and vice-versa.

def from_dict(dictionary):

Create a Hyperplane from a data in a dict.

  • dictionary (dict): The dict containing Hyperplane data.
  • hyperplane (hyperplane):
See Also

to_dict: Return a dict with Hyperplane data.

def full_domain(self):

Return a solid that represents the full domain of the hyperplane.

  • domain (Solid): The full (untrimmed) domain of the hyperplane.
See Also

Boundary: A portion of the boundary of a solid.

def intersect(self, other):

Intersect two hyperplanes.

  • intersections (list (or NotImplemented if other is not a Hyperplane)): A list of intersections between the two hyperplanes. (Hyperplanes will have at most one intersection, but other types of manifolds can have several.) Each intersection records either a crossing or a coincident region.

    For a crossing, intersection is a Manifold.Crossing: (left, right)

    • left : Manifold in the manifold's domain where the manifold and the other cross.
    • right : Manifold in the other's domain where the manifold and the other cross.
    • Both intersection manifolds have the same domain and range (the crossing between the manifold and the other).

    For a coincident region, intersection is a Manifold.Coincidence: (left, right, alignment, transform, inverse, translation)

    • left : Solid in the manifold's domain within which the manifold and the other are coincident.
    • right : Solid in the other's domain within which the manifold and the other are coincident.
    • alignment : scalar value holding the normal alignment between the manifold and the other (the dot product of their unit normals).
    • transform : numpy.array holding the transform matrix from the manifold's domain to the other's domain.
    • inverse : numpy.array holding the inverse transform matrix from the other's domain to the boundary's domain.
    • translation : numpy.array holding the translation vector from the manifold's domain to the other's domain.
    • Together transform, inverse, and translation form the mapping from the manifold's domain to the other's domain and vice-versa.
See Also

Solid.slice: slice the solid by a manifold.
numpy.linalg.svd: Compute the singular value decomposition of a matrix array.


Hyperplanes are parallel when their unit normals are aligned (dot product is nearly 1 or -1). Otherwise, they cross each other.

To solve the crossing, we find the intersection by solving the underdetermined system of equations formed by assigning points in one hyperplane (self) to points in the other (other). That is: self._tangentSpace * selfDomainPoint + self._point = other._tangentSpace * otherDomainPoint + other._point. This system is dimension equations with 2*(dimension-1) unknowns (the two domain points).

There are more unknowns than equations, so it's underdetermined. The number of free variables is 2*(dimension-1) - dimension = dimension-2. To solve the system, we rephrase it as Ax = b, where A = (self._tangentSpace -other._tangentSpace), x = (selfDomainPoint otherDomainPoint), and b = other._point - self._point. Then we take the singular value decomposition of A = U * Sigma * VTranspose, using numpy.linalg.svd. The particular solution for x is given by x = V * SigmaInverse * UTranspose * b, where we only consider the first dimension number of vectors in V (the rest are zeroed out, i.e. the null space of A). The null space of A (the last dimension-2 vectors in V) spans the free variable space, so those vectors form the tangent space of the intersection. Remember, we're solving for x = (selfDomainPoint otherDomainPoint). So, the selfDomainPoint is the first dimension-1 coordinates of x, and the otherDomainPoint is the last dimension-1 coordinates of x. Likewise for the two tangent spaces.

For coincident regions, we need the domains, normal alignment, and mapping from the hyperplane's domain to the other's domain. (The mapping is irrelevant and excluded for dimensions less than 2.) We can tell if the two hyperplanes are coincident if their normal alignment (dot product of their unit normals) is nearly 1 in absolute value (alignment**2 < Hyperplane.maxAlignment) and their points are barely separated: -2 * Manifold.minSeparation < dot(hyperplane._normal, hyperplane._point - other._point) < Manifold.minSeparation. (We give more room to the outside than the inside to avoid compounding issues from minute gaps.)

Since hyperplanes are flat, the domains of their coincident regions are the entire domain: Solid(domain dimension, True). The normal alignment is the dot product of the unit normals. The mapping from the hyperplane's domain to the other's domain is derived from setting the hyperplanes to each other: hyperplane._tangentSpace * selfDomainPoint + hyperplane._point = other._tangentSpace * otherDomainPoint + other._point. Then solve for otherDomainPoint = inverse(transpose(other._tangentSpace) * other._tangentSpace)) * transpose(other._tangentSpace) * (hyperplane._tangentSpace * selfDomainPoint + hyperplane._point - other._point). You get the transform is inverse(transpose(other._tangentSpace) * other._tangentSpace)) * transpose(other._tangentSpace) * hyperplane._tangentSpace, and the translation is inverse(transpose(other._tangentSpace) * other._tangentSpace)) * transpose(other._tangentSpace) * (hyperplane._point - other._point).

Note that to invert the mapping to go from the other's domain to the hyperplane's domain, you first subtract the translation and then multiply by the inverse of the transform.

def normal(self, domainPoint, normalize=True, indices=None):

Return the normal.

  • domainPoint (numpy.array): The 1D array at which to evaluate the normal.
  • normalize (boolean, optional): If True the returned normal will have unit length (the default). Otherwise, the normal's length will be the area of the tangent space (for two independent variables, its the length of the cross product of tangent vectors).
  • indices (iterable, optional): An iterable of normal indices to calculate. For example, indices=(0, 3) will return a vector of length 2 with the first and fourth values of the normal. If None, all normal values are returned (the default).
  • normal (numpy.array):
def range_bounds(self):

Return the range bounds for the hyperplane.

  • rangeBounds (np.array or None): The range of the hyperplane given as lower and upper bounds on each dependent variable. If the hyperplane has an unbounded range (domain dimension > 0), None is returned.
def range_dimension(self):

Return the range dimension.

  • dimension (int):
def tangent_space(self, domainPoint):

Return the tangent space.

  • domainPoint (numpy.array): The 1D array at which to evaluate the tangent space.
  • tangentSpace (numpy.array):
def to_dict(self):

Return a dict with Hyperplane data.

  • dictionary (dict):
See Also

from_dict: Create a Hyperplane from a data in a dict.

def transform(self, matrix, matrixInverseTranspose=None):

Transform the range of the hyperplane.

  • matrix (numpy.array): A square matrix transformation.
  • matrixInverseTranspose (numpy.array, optional): The inverse transpose of matrix (computed if not provided).
  • hyperplane (Hyperplane): The transformed hyperplane.
See Also

Solid.transform: Transform the range of the solid.

def translate(self, delta):

translate the range of the hyperplane.

  • delta (numpy.array): A 1D array translation.
  • hyperplane (Hyperplane): The translated hyperplane.
See Also

Solid.translate: translate the range of the solid.

def trimmed_range_bounds(self, domainBounds):

Return the trimmed range bounds for the hyperplane.

  • domainBounds (array-like or None): An array with shape (domain_dimension, 2) of lower and upper and lower bounds on each hyperplane parameter. If domainBounds is None then the hyperplane is unbounded.
  • trimmedManifold, rangeBounds (Hyperplane, np.array (or None)): A manifold trimmed to the given domain bounds, and the range of the trimmed hyperplane given as lower and upper bounds on each dependent variable. If the domain bounds are None (meaning unbounded) then rangeBounds is None.

The returned trimmed manifold is the original hyperplane (no changes).