
class Spline(bspy.manifold.Manifold):

A class to model, represent, and process piecewise polynomial tensor product functions (splines) as linear combinations of B-splines.

  • nInd (int): The number of independent variables of the spline.
  • nDep (int): The number of dependent variables of the spline.
  • order (tuple): A tuple of length nInd where each integer entry represents the polynomial order of the spline in that variable.
  • nCoef (tuple): A tuple of length nInd where each integer entry represents the dimension (i.e. number of B-spline coefficients) of the spline in that variable.
  • knots (list): A list of the lists of the knots of the spline in each independent variable.
  • coefs (array-like): A list of the B-spline coefficients of the spline.
  • metadata (dict, optional): A dictionary of ancillary data to store with the spline. Default is {}.
Spline(nInd, nDep, order, nCoef, knots, coefs, metadata={})
def add(self, other, indMap=None):

Add two splines.

  • other (Spline): The spline to add to self. The number of dependent variables must match self.
  • indMap (iterable or None, optional): An iterable of indices or pairs of indices. Each index refers to an independent variable. Within the iterable, a single index, n, maps the nth independent variable of self to the same independent variable of other. A pair (n, m) maps the nth independent variable of self to the mth independent variable of other. For example, if you wanted to compute self(u, v, w) + other(u, w), you'd pass [0, (2, 1)] for indMap. Unmapped independent variables remain independent (the default). The domains of mapped independent variables must match. An independent variable can map to no more than one other independent variable.
  • spline (Spline): The result of adding self and other.
See Also

subtract: Subtract two splines.
multiply: Multiply two splines.
common_basis: Align a collection of splines to a common basis, elevating the order and adding knots as needed.


Equivalent to spline1 + spline2 with indMap = range(min(spline1.nInd, spline2.nInd)).

Uses common_basis to ensure mapped variables share the same order and knots.

def bspline_values(knot, knots, splineOrder, u, derivativeOrder=0, taylorCoefs=False):

Compute bspline values or their derivatives for a 1D bspline segment given the rightmost knot of the segment and a parameter value within that segment.

  • knot (int): The rightmost knot in the bspline segment. If knot is None, then this value is determined by binary search
  • knots (array-like): The array of knots for the bspline.
  • splineOrder (int): The order of the bspline.
  • u (float): The parameter value within the segment at which to evaluate it.
  • derivativeOrder (int, optional): The order of the derivative. A zero-order derivative (default) just evaluates the bspline normally.
  • taylorCoefs (boolean, optional): A boolean flag that if true returns the derivatives divided by their degree factorial, that is the taylor coefficients at the given parameter values. Default is false.
  • knot (int): The rightmost knot in the bspline segment. If this is specified on input, then this valued is returned. Otherwise, it is computed and then returned.
  • value (numpy.array): The value of the bspline or its derivative at the given parameter.
See Also

evaluate: Compute the value of the spline at given parameter values.
derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at given parameter values.


This method does not check parameter values. It is used by other evaluation methods. It uses the de Boor recurrence relations for a B-spline.

def circular_arc(radius, angle, tolerance=None):

Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.

  • radius (float): The radius of the circular arc.
  • angle (float): The angle of the circular arc measured in degrees starting at the x-axis rotating counterclockwise.
  • tolerance (float, optional): The maximum allowed error in the circular arc (default is machine epsilon).
  • spline (Spline): A spline curve for the circular arc (domain from 0 to 1).
See Also

section: Fit a planar section to the list of 4-tuples of data.
revolve: Rotate the spline to create a surface of revolution.

def clamp(self, left, right):

Ensure the leftmost/rightmost knot has a full order multiplicity, clamping the spline's value at the first/last knot to its first/last coefficient.

  • left (iterable): An iterable of independent variables to clamp on the left side.
  • right (iterable): An iterable of independent variables to clamp on the right side.
  • spline (Spline): The clamped spline. If the spline was already clamped, the original spline is returned.
See Also

insert_knots: Insert new knots into a spline.
trim: Trim the domain of a spline.

def common_basis(splines, indMap=None):

Align a collection of splines to a common basis, elevating the order and adding knots as needed.

  • splines (iterable): The collection of N splines to align.
  • indMap (iterable): The collection of independent variables to align. Since each spline can have multiple independent variables, indMap is an iterable of iterables (like a list of lists). Each collection of indices (i0, i1, .. iN) maps the i'th independent variable to each other. The domains of mapped independent variables must match. An independent variable can map to no more than one other independent variable. If all the splines are curves (1 independent variable), then indMap is ((0, 0, .. 0),). If indMap is None (the default), then it is set to [N * [i] for i in range(nInd)]
  • splines (tuple): The aligned collection of N splines.
See Also

elevate_and_insert_knots: Elevate a spline and insert new knots.


Uses elevate_and_insert_knots to ensure mapped variables share the same order and knots.

def complete_slice(self, slice, solid):

Add any missing inherent (implicit) boundaries of this spline's domain to the given slice of the given solid that are needed to make the slice valid and complete.

  • slice (solid.Solid): The slice of the given solid formed by the spline. The slice may be incomplete, missing some of the spline's inherent domain boundaries. Its dimension must match self.domain_dimension().
  • solid (solid.Solid): The solid being sliced by the manifold. Its dimension must match self.range_dimension().
See Also

solid.Solid.slice: slice the solid by a manifold.
domain: Return the domain of a spline.


A spline's inherent domain is determined by its knot array for each dimension. This method only works for nInd of 1 or 2.

def cone(radius1, radius2, height, tolerance=None):

Construct a cone of the two given radii and height.

  • radius1 (scalar): The desired radius of the cone at the bottom
  • radius2 (scalar): The desired radius of the cone at the top
  • height (scalar): The desired height of the cone
  • tolerance (scalar, optional): The desired absolute tolerance to which the cylinder should be constructed. Defaults to 1.0e-12 if tolerance == None.
  • spline (Spline): A bi-quartic spline approximation to a cone of the specified radii and height, accurate to the given tolerance.

The resulting mapping is defined over the unit square. The first independent variable corresponds to the radial position on the cone, while the second independent variable is the location along the height.

See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.
ruled_surface: Construct a ruled surface between two curves.

def confine(self, range_bounds):

Confine the range of a curve to the given bounds.

  • range_bounds (iterable): The collection of nDep tuples that specify the lower and upper bounds for the curve.
  • spline (Spline): The confined spline.
See Also

range_bounds: Return the range of a spline as lower and upper bounds.
contour: Fit a spline to the contour defined by F(x) = 0.


Only works for curves (nInd == 1). Portions of the curve that lie outside the bounds become lines along the boundary.

def contour(F, knownXValues, dF=None, epsilon=None, metadata={}):

Fit a spline to the contour defined by F(x) = 0, where F maps n dimensions to n-1 dimensions. Thus, the solution, x(t), is a contour curve (one degree of freedom) returned in the form of a spline.

  • F (function or Spline): A function or spline that takes an array-like argument of length n and returns an array-like result of length n - 1.
  • knownXValues (iterable of array-like): An iterable of known x values (array-like) that lie on the desired contour. The length of knownXValues must be at least 2 (for the two boundary conditions). All x values must be length n and be listed in the order they appear on the contour.
    F(x) for all known x values must be a zero vector of length n-1.
  • dF (iterable or None, optional): An iterable of the n functions representing the n first derivatives of F. If dF is None (the default), the first derivatives will be computed for you. If F is not a spline, computing the first derivatives involves multiple calls to F and can be numerically unstable.
  • epsilon (float, optional): Tolerance for contour precision. Evaluating F with contour values will be within epsilon of zero. The default is square root of machine epsilon.
  • metadata (dict, optional): A dictionary of ancillary data to store with the spline. Default is {}.
  • spline (Spline): The spline contour, x(t), with nInd == 1 and nDep == n.
See Also

least_squares: Fit a spline to an array of data points using the method of least squares.
contours: Find all the contour curves of a spline.
confine: Confine the range of a curve to the given bounds.


The returned spline has constant parametric speed (the length of its derivative is constant). If F is a Spline, then the range of the returned contour is confined to the domain of F. Implements the algorithm described in section 7 of Grandine, Thomas A. "Applications of contouring." Siam Review 42, no. 2 (2000): 297-316.

def contours(self):

Find all the contour curves of a spline whose nInd is one larger than its nDep.

  • curves (iterable): A collection of Spline curves, u(t), each of whose domain is [0, 1], whose range is in the parameter space of the given spline, and which satisfy self(u(t)) = 0.
See Also

zeros: Find the roots of a spline (nInd must match nDep).
contour: Fit a spline to the contour defined by F(x) = 0.
intersect: Intersect two splines.


Uses zeros to find all intersection points and contour to find individual intersection curves. The algorithm used to to find all intersection curves is from Grandine, Thomas A., and Frederick W. Klein IV. "A new approach to the surface intersection problem." Computer Aided Geometric Design 14, no. 2 (1997): 111-134.

def contract(self, uvw):

Contract a spline by assigning a fixed value to one or more of its independent variables.

  • uvw (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable to contract. A value of None for an independent variable indicates that variable should remain unchanged.
  • spline (Spline): The contracted spline.
See Also

evaluate: Compute the value of the spline at given parameter values.

def convolve(self, other, indMap=None, productType='S'):

Convolve two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).

  • other (Spline): The spline to convolve with self.
  • indMap (iterable or None, optional): An iterable of indices or pairs of indices. Each index refers to an independent variable. Within the iterable, a single index, n, maps the nth independent variable of self to the same independent variable of other. A pair (n, m) maps the nth independent variable of self to the mth independent variable of other. For example, if you wanted to convolve self(u, v, w) with other(u, w), you'd pass [0, (2, 1)] for indMap. Unmapped independent variables remain independent (the default). An independent variable can map to no more than one other independent variable.
  • productType ({'C', 'D', 'S'}, optional): The type of product to perform on the dependent variables (default is 'S'). 'C' is for a cross product, self x other (nDep must be 2 or 3). 'D' is for a dot product (nDep must match). 'S' is for a scalar product (nDep must match or be 1 for one of the splines).
  • spline (Spline): The result of convolving self with other.
See Also

multiply: Multiply two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).
integrate: Integrate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.


Taken in part from Lee, E. T. Y. "Computing a chain of blossoms, with application to products of splines." Computer Aided Geometric Design 11, no. 6 (1994): 597-620.

def copy(self):

Create a copy of a spline.

  • spline (Spline): The spline copy.
def cross(self, vector):

Cross product a spline with nDep of 2 or 3 by the given vector.

  • vector (array-like or Spline): An array of length 2 or 3 or spline with nDep of 2 or 3 that specifies the vector.
  • spline (Spline): The crossed spline: self x vector.
See Also

multiply: Multiply two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).

def curvature(self, uvw):

Compute the curvature of a univariate spline.

  • uvw (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable (the parameter values).
  • value (scalar): The value of the curvature at the given point on the curve.

Computes the curvature of the graph of the function if nDep == 1. If nDep == 1 or 2, then the curvature is computed as a signed quantity.

def cylinder(radius, height, tolerance=None):

Construct a cylinder of the given radius and height.

  • radius (scalar): The desired radius of the cylinder
  • height (scalar): The desired height of the cylinder
  • tolerance (scalar, optional): The desired absolute tolerance to which the cylinder should be constructed. Defaults to 1.0e-12 if tolerance == None.
  • spline (Spline): A bi-quartic spline approximation to a cylinder of the specified radius and height, accurate to the given tolerance.

The resulting mapping is defined over the unit square. The first independent variable corresponds to the radial position on the cylinder, while the second independent variable is the location along the height.

See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.
ruled_surface: Construct a ruled surface between two curves.

def derivative(self, with_respect_to, *uvw, **kwargs):

Compute the derivative of the spline at given parameter values.

  • with_respect_to (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the integer order of derivative for each independent variable. A zero-order derivative just evaluates the spline normally.
  • *uvw (iterable or iterable of iterables): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable (the parameter values), or an iterable of iterables of length nInd that specifies values for each independent variable (numpy ufunc style).
  • **kwargs:: For other keyword-only arguments, see the ufunc docs .
  • value (numpy.array): The value of the derivative of the spline at the given parameter values (array of size nDep). If multiple points are passed (numpy ufunc style), then multiple arrays are returned, one for each dependent variable.
See Also

evaluate: Compute the value of the spline at a given parameter value.
differentiate: Differentiate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.
integral: Compute the integral of the spline at a given parameter value.
integrate: Integrate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.


The derivative method uses the de Boor recurrence relations for a B-spline series to evaluate a spline. The non-zero B-splines are evaluated, then the dot product of those B-splines with the vector of B-spline coefficients is computed.

def differentiate(self, with_respect_to=0):

Differentiate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.

  • with_respect_to (integer, optional): The number of the independent variable to differentiate. Default is zero.
  • spline (Spline): The spline that results from differentiating the original spline with respect to the given independent variable.
See Also

derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at a given parameter value.
integral: Compute the integral of the spline at a given parameter value.
integrate: Integrate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.

def domain(self):

Return the domain of a spline.

  • bounds (numpy.array): nInd x 2 array of the lower and upper bounds on each of the independent variables.
See Also

reparametrize: Reparametrize a spline to match new domain bounds
trim: Trim the domain of a spline.

def domain_dimension(self):

Return the domain dimension of a spline (nInd).

  • dimension (int): The dimension of the spline's domain (nInd)
def dot(self, vector):

Dot product a spline by the given vector.

  • vector (array-like or Spline): An array of length nDep or spline with matching nDep that specifies the vector.
  • spline (Spline): The dotted spline.
See Also

multiply: Multiply two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).


Equivalent to spline @ vector.

def elevate(self, m):

Elevate a spline, increasing its order by m.

  • m (iterable of length nInd): An iterable that specifies the non-negative integer amount to increase the order for each independent variable of the spline.
  • spline (Spline): A spline with the order of the current spline plus m.
See Also

insert_knots: Insert new knots into a spline.
elevate_and_insert_knots: Elevate a spline and insert new knots.


Implements the algorithm from Huang, Qi-Xing, Shi-Min Hu, and Ralph R. Martin. "Fast degree elevation and knot insertion for B-spline curves." Computer Aided Geometric Design 22, no. 2 (2005): 183-197.

def elevate_and_insert_knots(self, m, newKnots):

Elevate a spline and insert new knots.

  • m (iterable of length nInd): An iterable that specifies the non-negative integer amount to increase the order for each independent variable of the spline.
  • newKnots (iterable of length nInd): An iterable that specifies the knots to be added to each independent variable's knots. len(newKnots[ind]) == 0 if no knots are to be added for the ind independent variable.
  • spline (Spline): A spline with the order of the current spline plus m that includes the new knots.
See Also

insert_knots: Insert new knots into a spline.
clamp: Clamp the left and/or right side of a spline.
elevate: Elevate a spline, increasing its order by m.


Implements the algorithm from Huang, Qi-Xing, Shi-Min Hu, and Ralph R. Martin. "Fast degree elevation and knot insertion for B-spline curves." Computer Aided Geometric Design 22, no. 2 (2005): 183-197.

def evaluate(self, *uvw, **kwargs):

Compute the value of the spline at given parameter values.

  • *uvw (iterable or iterable of iterables): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable (the parameter values), or an iterable of iterables of length nInd that specifies values for each independent variable (numpy ufunc style).
  • **kwargs:: For other keyword-only arguments, see the ufunc docs .
  • value (numpy.array): The value of the spline at the given parameter values (array of size nDep). If multiple points are passed (numpy ufunc style), then multiple arrays are returned, one for each dependent variable.
See Also

derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at given parameter values.


Equivalent to spline(uvw, *kwargs).

The evaluate method uses the de Boor recurrence relations for a B-spline series to evaluate a spline. The non-zero B-splines are evaluated, then the dot product of those B-splines with the vector of B-spline coefficients is computed.

def extrapolate(self, newDomain, continuityOrder):

Extrapolate a spline out to an extended domain maintaining a given order of continuity.

  • newDomain (array-like): nInd x 2 array of the new lower and upper bounds on each of the independent variables (same form as returned from domain). If a bound is None or nan then the original bound (and knots) are left unchanged.
  • continuityOrder (int): The order of continuity of the extrapolation (the number of derivatives that match at the endpoints). A continuity order of zero means the extrapolation just matches the spline value at the endpoints. The continuity order is automatically limited to one less than the degree of the spline.
  • spline (Spline): Extrapolated spline. If all the knots are unchanged, the original spline is returned.
See Also

domain: Return the domain of a spline.
trim: Trim the domain of a spline.

def flip_normal(self):

Flip the direction of the normal.

  • spline (Spline): The spline with flipped normal. The spline retains the same tangent space.
See Also

solid.Solid.complement: Return the complement of the solid: whatever was inside is outside and vice-versa.

def fold(self, foldedInd):

Fold the coefficients of a spline's indicated independent variables into the coefficients of the remaining independent variables, retaining the indicated independent variables' knots and orders in a second spline with no coefficients.

  • foldedInd (iterable): An iterable that specifies the independent variables whose coefficients should be folded.
  • foldedSpline, coefficientlessSpline (Spline, Spline): The folded spline and the coefficientless spline that retains the indicated independent variables' knots and orders.
See Also

unfold: Unfold the coefficients of an original spline's indicated independent variables back into the spline.


Given a spline whose coefficients are an nDep x n0 x ... x nk array and a list of (ordered) indices which form a proper subset of {n0, ... , nk}, it should return 2 splines. The first one is a spline with k + 1 - length(index subset) independent variables where the knot sets of all the dimensions which have been removed have been removed. However, all of the coefficient data is still intact, so that the resulting coefficient array has shape (nDep nj0 nj1 ... njj) x nk0 x ... x nkk. The second spline should be a spline with 0 dependent variables which contains all the knot sequences that were removed from the spline. The unfold method takes the two splines as input and reverses the process, returning the original spline.

Here's an example. Suppose spl is a spline with 3 independent variables and 3 dependent variables which has nCoef = [4, 5, 6] and knots = [knots0, knots1, knots2]. Then spl.fold([0, 2]) should return a spline with 1 independent variable and 72 dependent variables. It should have nCoef = [5], knots = [knots1], and its coefs array should have shape (72, 5). The other spline should have 0 dependent variables, 2 independent variables, and knots = [knots0, knots2]. How things get ordered in coefs probably doesn't matter so long as unfold unscrambles things in the corresponding way. The second spline is needed to hold the basis information that was dropped so that it can be undone.

def four_sided_patch(bottom, right, top, left, surfParam=0.5):

Construct a surface from its four boundary curves.

  • bottom (Spline): A curve which represents the bottom edge of the resulting surface.
  • right (Spline): A curve which represents the right edge of the resulting surface.
  • top (Spline): A curve which represents the top edge of the resulting surface.
  • left (Spline): A curve which represents the left edge of the resulting surface.
  • surfParam (scalar, optional): A scalar which selects which member of a one parameter family of interpolating surfaces to return. surfParam = 0.0 will return the Coons patch. surfParam = 1.0 will return the surface for which each dependent variable approximately solves the Laplace equation for which the four boundary curves are the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Other values of surfParam will return the appropriate affine combination of those two surfaces.
  • surface (Spline): The spline surface requested by the input curves and surfParam.
See Also

common_basis: Determine a common B-spline basis for two or more splines.


The variables bottom, right, top, and left are notional in the sense that the curves can be given in any order. This method does the best possible job of matching endpoints, so the roles of "right," "top," and "left" may very well get reassigned. Moreover, the parametrization of the curves may also get reversed in order to best match endpoints.

def from_dict(dictionary):

Create a Spline from a data in a dict.

  • dictionary (dict): The dict containing Spline data.
See Also

to_dict: Return a dict with Spline data.

def full_domain(self):

Return a solid that represents the full domain of the spline.

  • domain (Solid): The full (untrimmed) domain of the spline.
See Also

Boundary: A portion of the boundary of a solid.

def geodesic(self, uvStart, uvEnd, tolerance=1e-06):

Determine a geodesic between two points on a surface

  • uvStart (array-like): The parameter values for the surface at one end of the desired geodesic.
  • uvEnd (array-like): The parameter values for the surface at the other end of the desired geodesic.
  • tolerance (scalar): The maximum error in parameter space to which the geodesic should get computed. Defaults to 1.0e-6.
  • geodesic (Spline): A spline curve whose range is in the domain of the given surface. The range of the curve is the locus of points whose image under the surface map form the curve of minimum distance between the two given points.
See Also

solve_ode: Solve an ordinary differential equation using spline collocation.


Solves the second order ODE which are the geodesic equations over the surface.

def graph(self):

Generate the spline which is the graph of the given spline.

  • spline (Spline): A spline with nInd independent variables and nInd + nDep dependent variables, the first nInd of which are just the independent variables themselves. For example, given a scalar valued function f of two variables u and v, returns the spline of two independent variables whose three dependent variables are (u, v, f(u,v)).
See Also

add: Add two splines together


Makes use of matrix spline multiply and tensor product addition for splines.

def greville(self, ind=0):

Compute and return the Greville abscissae (knot averages) for the given independent variable.

  • ind (integer, optional): The index of the independent variable (default is 0).
  • knotAverages (numpy.ndarray): An array with the knot averages for the specified independent variable.

The Greville abscissae always satisfy the interlacing conditions, so can be used as valid collocation points, interpolation points, or quadrature points.

def insert_knots(self, newKnots):

Insert new knots into a spline.

  • newKnots (iterable of length nInd): An iterable that specifies the knots to be added to each independent variable's knots. len(newKnots[ind]) == 0 if no knots are to be added for the ind independent variable.
  • spline (Spline): A spline with the new knots inserted. If no knots were inserted, the original spline is returned.
See Also

clamp: Clamp the left and/or right side of a spline.


Implements Boehm's standard knot insertion algorithm.

def integral(self, with_respect_to, uvw1, uvw2, returnSpline=False):

Compute the derivative of the spline at given parameter values.

  • with_respect_to (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the integer order of integral for each independent variable. A zero-order integral just evaluates the spline normally.
  • uvw1 (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the lower limit of each independent variable (the parameter values).
  • uvw2 (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the upper limit of each independent variable (the parameter values).
  • returnSpline (boolean, optional): A boolean flag that if true returns the integrated spline along with the value of its integral. Default is false.
  • value (numpy.ndarray): The value of the integral of the spline at the given parameter limits.
  • spline (Spline): The integrated spline, which is only returned if returnSpline is True.
See Also

integrate: Integrate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.
evaluate: Compute the value of the spline at a given parameter value.
differentiate: Differentiate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.
derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at a given parameter value.


The integral method uses the integrate method to integrate the spline with_respect_to times for each independent variable. Then the method returns that integrated spline's value at uw2 minus its value at uw1 (optionally along with the spline). The method doesn't calculate the integral directly because the number of operations required is nearly the same as constructing the integrated spline.

def integrate(self, with_respect_to=0):

Integrate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.

  • with_respect_to (integer, optional): The number of the independent variable to integrate. Default is zero.
  • spline (Spline): The spline that results from integrating the original spline with respect to the given independent variable.
See Also

differentiate: Differentiate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.
derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at a given parameter value.
integral: Compute the integral of the spline at a given parameter value.

def intersect(self, other):

Intersect a spline or hyperplane.

  • other (Spline or Hyperplane): The Manifold to intersect with self (must have same range dimension as self).
  • intersections (iterable (or NotImplemented if other is an unknown type of Manifold)): A list of intersections between the two manifolds. Each intersection records either a crossing or a coincident region.

    For a crossing, intersection is a Manifold.Crossing: (left, right)

    • left : Manifold in the manifold's domain where the manifold and the other cross.
    • right : Manifold in the other's domain where the manifold and the other cross.
    • Both intersection manifolds have the same domain and range (the crossing between the manifold and the other).

    For a coincident region, intersection is a Manifold.Coincidence: (left, right, alignment, transform, inverse, translation)

    • left : Solid in the manifold's domain within which the manifold and the other are coincident.
    • right : Solid in the other's domain within which the manifold and the other are coincident.
    • alignment : scalar value holding the normal alignment between the manifold and the other (the dot product of their unit normals).
    • transform : numpy.array holding the transform matrix from the manifold's domain to the other's domain.
    • inverse : numpy.array holding the inverse transform matrix from the other's domain to the boundary's domain.
    • translation : numpy.array holding the translation vector from the manifold's domain to the other's domain.
    • Together transform, inverse, and translation form the mapping from the manifold's domain to the other's domain and vice-versa.
See Also

zeros: Find the roots of a spline (nInd must match nDep).
contours: Find all the contour curves of a spline.
solid.Solid.slice: slice the solid by a manifold.


Uses zeros to find all intersection points and contours to find all the intersection curves.

def jacobian(self, uvw):

Compute the value of the spline's Jacobian at given parameter values.

  • uvw (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable (the parameter values).
  • value (numpy.array): The value of the spline's Jacobian at the given parameter values. The shape of the return value is (nDep, nInd).
See Also

evaluate: Compute the value of the spline at given parameter values.
derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at given parameter values.


Calls derivative nInd times.

def join(splineList):

Join a list of splines together into a single spline.

  • splineList (iterable): The list of splines to join together. All must have the same number of dependent variables.
  • joinedSpline (Spline): A single spline whose image is the union of all the images of the input splines. The resulting spline is parametrized over the unit cube.

Currently only works for univariate splines.

def least_squares( uValues, dataPoints, order=None, knots=None, compression=0.0, tolerance=None, fixEnds=False, metadata={}):

Fit a spline to an array of data points using the method of least squares.

  • uValues (iterable of array-like values): The values of the independent variables in each of the coordinate directions for each of the data points. It's either a simple array of length nU or it is an array of length nInd of arrays with corresponding lengths nU, nV, . . ., nW, where each length indicates the number of data points in that independent variable. For each independent variable, the values must be ordered, i.e. uValue[i] <= uValue[i+1]. The corresponding point in dataPoints will be an array of length nDep which represents the desired function values at that point. If the values in uValues are repeated, then the corresponding data in dataPoints represents a derivative value. Examples:

    If uValues == [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0], then nInd == 1 and dataPoints contains [f(0.0), f(1.0), f'(1.0), f(2.0), f(3.0), f'(3.0), f''(3.0)]

    if uValues == [[0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]], then nInd == 2 and dataPoints contains [[f(0,0), f(0,1), f(0,2), f_v(0,2), f(0,3)], [f(1,0), f(1,1), f(1,2), f_v(1,2), f(1,3)], [f_u(1,0), f_u(1,1), f_u(1,2), f_uv(1,2), f_u(1,3)], [f(2,0), f(2,1), f(2,2), f_v(2,2), f(2,3)]]

  • dataPoints (iterable of array-like values): A collection of data points. The shape of this array mirrors the shape of Spline.coefs, i.e. it has shape (nDep, nU, nV, . . . , nW). The indices into this array also index into uValues to retrieve the independent variable values. For example, if nInd == 2 and nDep == 3, then the shape of dataPoints is (3, nU, nV) and dataPoint[:,i,j] has independent variable values given by uValues[0,i] and uValues[1,j].
  • order (tuple): A tuple of length nInd where each integer entry represents the polynomial order of the spline in that variable. If order == None, then order == [4] * nInd is assumed.
  • knots (list, optional): A list of the lists of the knots of the spline in each independent variable. The length of knots should be nInd if it is specified, where each of the arrays specify the knots of the spline to use in that independent variable. All of the dataPoints must lie within the domain specified by the knots. If knots == None (the default), then the knots are automatically determined.
  • compression (scalar, optional): The desired compression of data used as a fraction of the number of data points, i.e compression is a number between 0 and 1. This fraction is used to determine the total number of spline coefficients when knots are chosen automatically (it's if the knots are specified). The actual compression will be slightly less because the number of coefficients is rounded up. The default value is zero (interpolation, no compression).
  • tolerance (scalar, optional): If tolerance is specified, then a fit to tolerance is performed. Using the given knots as the initial set of knots, additional knots are inserted until the 2-norm of the difference between each of the each given dataPoints and the vector given by the spline is no larger than the specified tolerance.
  • fixEnds (Boolean, optional): if fixEnds is True, then all of the dataPoints which lie on any of the domain boundaries of the spline become interpolation conditions, i.e. the spline will be fit in such a way that those boundary points are exactly satisfied by the computed spline. Otherwise, least-squares fitting will be performed on all of the dataPoints.
  • metadata (dict, optional): A dictionary of ancillary data to store with the spline. Default is {}.
  • spline (Spline): A spline curve which approximates the data points.

Uses numpy.linalg.lstsq to compute the least squares solution.

def line(startPoint, endPoint):

Construct a line between two points or between two lines.

  • startPoint (any): A scalar or a list or an array or an instance of a Spline.
  • endPoint (any): A scalar or a list or an array or an instance of a Spline.
  • spline (Spline): The spline that interpolates the two inputs.
See Also

ruled_surface: Construct a ruled surface between two splines.


Construct splines out of the two points and then call ruled_surface.

def load(fileName):

Load splines in json format from the specified filename (full path).

  • fileName (string): The full path to the file containing the spline. Can be a relative path.
  • splines (list of Spline): The loaded splines.
See Also

save: Save a spline in json format to the specified filename (full path).

def multiply(self, other, indMap=None, productType='S'):

Multiply two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).

  • other (Spline): The spline to multiply by self.
  • indMap (iterable or None, optional): An iterable of indices or pairs of indices. Each index refers to an independent variable. Within the iterable, a single index, n, maps the nth independent variable of self to the same independent variable of other. A pair (n, m) maps the nth independent variable of self to the mth independent variable of other. For example, if you wanted to compute self(u, v, w) * other(u, w), you'd pass [0, (2, 1)] for indMap. Unmapped independent variables remain independent (the default). The domains of mapped independent variables must match. An independent variable can map to no more than one other independent variable.
  • productType ({'C', 'D', 'S'}, optional): The type of product to perform on the dependent variables (default is 'S'). 'C' is for a cross product, self x other (nDep must be 2 or 3). 'D' is for a dot product (nDep must match). 'S' is for a scalar product (nDep must match or be 1 for one of the splines).
  • spline (Spline): The result of multiplying self and other.
See Also

add: Add two splines.
subtract: Subtract two splines.
convolve: Convolve two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).


Equivalent to spline1 * spline2 with indMap = range(min(spline1.nInd, spline2.nInd)) and productType = 'S'.

Taken in part from Lee, E. T. Y. "Computing a chain of blossoms, with application to products of splines." Computer Aided Geometric Design 11, no. 6 (1994): 597-620.

def normal(self, uvw, normalize=True, indices=None):

Compute the normal of the spline at given parameter values. The number of independent variables must be one different than the number of dependent variables.

  • uvw (iterable): An iterable of length nInd that specifies the values of each independent variable (the parameter values).
  • normalize (boolean, optional): If True the returned normal will have unit length (the default). Otherwise, the normal's length will be the area of the tangent space (for two independent variables, its the length of the cross product of tangent vectors).
  • indices (iterable, optional): An iterable of normal indices to calculate. For example, indices=(0, 3) will return a vector of length 2 with the first and fourth values of the normal. If None, all normal values are returned (the default).
  • normal (numpy.array): The normal vector of the spline at the given parameter values.
See Also

derivative: Compute the derivative of the spline at a given parameter value.
normal_spline: Compute a spline that evaluates to the normal of the given spline (not normalized).


Attentive readers will notice that the number of independent variables could be one more than the number of dependent variables (instead of one less, as is typical). In that case, the normal represents the null space of the matrix formed by the tangents of the spline. If the null space is greater than one dimension, the normal will be zero.

def normal_spline(self, indices=None):

Compute a spline that evaluates to the normal of the given spline. The length of the normal is the area of the tangent space (for two independent variables, its the length of the cross product of tangent vectors). The number of independent variables must be one different than the number of dependent variables.

  • indices (iterable, optional): An iterable of normal indices to calculate. For example, indices=(0, 3) will make the returned spline compute a vector of length 2 with the first and fourth values of the normal. If None, all normal values are returned (the default).
  • spline (Spline): The spline that evaluates to the normal of the given spline.
See Also

normal: Compute the normal of the spline at given parameter values.
differentiate: Differentiate a spline with respect to one of its independent variables, returning the resulting spline.


Attentive readers will notice that the number of independent variables could be one more than the number of dependent variables (instead of one less, as is typical). In that case, the normal represents the null space of the matrix formed by the tangents of the spline. If the null space is greater than one dimension, the normal will be zero.

def point(point):

Construct a spline which represents a point.

  • point (scalar, list, or array): A scalar or a list or an array or an instance of a Spline.
  • spline (Spline): The spline that represents the input point.
See Also

line: Construct a line between two points.


Construct a spline out of an input point.

def range_bounds(self):

Return the range of a spline as lower and upper bounds on each of the dependent variables.

def range_dimension(self):

Return the range dimension of a spline (nDep).

  • dimension (int): The dimension of the spline's range (nDep)
def remove_knot(self, iKnot, nLeft=0, nRight=0):

Remove a single knot from a univariate spline.

  • iKnot (integer): Index of the knot to remove from the spline
  • nLeft (integer): Number of continuity conditions to enforce on the left end. For example, if nLeft = 2, then remove_knot will leave the function value and first derivative unchanged on the left end of the domain.
  • nRight (integer): Number of continuity conditions to enforce on the right end. For example, if nRight = 3, then remove_knot will leave the function value and first and second derivative values unchanged on the right end of the domain.
  • spline (Spline): New spline with the specified knot removed
  • residual (array-like): A vector containing the least squares residuals for each dependent variable
See Also



Solves a simple least squares problem

def remove_knots(self, tolerance=1e-14, nLeft=0, nRight=0):

Remove interior knots from a spline.

  • tolerance (float, optional): The maximum pointwise relative error permitted after removing all the knots. Knots will be removed until removal of the next knot would put the pointwise error above the threshold. The default is 1.0e-14 which is relative to the size of each of the dependent variables.
  • nLeft (integer): Number of continuity conditions to enforce on the left end. For example, if nLeft = 2, then remove_knot will leave the function value and first derivative unchanged on the left end of the domain.
  • nRight (integer): Number of continuity conditions to enforce on the right end. For example, if nRight = 3, then remove_knot will leave the function value and first and second derivative values unchanged on the right end of the domain.
  • spline (Spline): A spline with the knots removed.
See Also

insert_knots: Insert new knots into a spline.
remove_knot: Remove an indicated knot from a spline.
trim: Trim the domain of a spline.


Calls remove_knot repeatedly until no longer possible.

def reparametrize(self, newDomain):

Reparametrize a spline to match new domain bounds. The spline's number of knots and its coefficients remain unchanged.

  • newDomain (array-like): nInd x 2 array of the new lower and upper bounds on each of the independent variables (same form as returned from domain). If a bound pair is None then the original bound (and knots) are left unchanged. For example, [[0.0, 1.0], None] will reparametrize the first independent variable and leave the second unchanged)
  • spline (Spline): Reparametrized spline.
See Also

domain: Return the domain of a spline.

def reverse(self, variable=0):

Reverse the direction of a spline along one of the independent variables

  • variable (integer): index of the independent variable to reverse the direction of.
  • spline (Spline): Reparametrized (i.e. reversed) spline.
See Also

reparametrize: Reparametrize a spline

def revolve(self, angle):

Revolve the spline to create a surface of revolution (nDep must equal 2, first dimension provides the radius for x and y, second dimension provides the z).

  • angle (float): The angle of the circular arc measured in degrees starting at the x-axis rotating counterclockwise.
  • spline (Spline): Surface of revolution (first independent variable sweeps the arc from 0 to 1).
See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.

def rotate(self, vector, angle):

Rotate a spline around a vector by the specified angle.

  • vector (array-like): A vector of length three about which to rotate the spline
  • angle (scalar): The number of degrees to rotate the spline around vector by
  • spline (Spline): The rotated spline
See Also

transform: Multiply a spline by a given matrix.


Uses the well-known Rodrigues' rotation formula and mathematical operations on splines.

def ruled_surface(spline1, spline2):

Create a ruled surface between two splines.

  • spline1 (Spline): The first spline (must have the same nInd and nDep as the second spline).
  • spline2 (Spline): The second spline (must have the same nInd and nDep as the first spline).
  • spline (Spline): Ruled surface between spline1 and spline2.
def save(self, fileName, *additional_splines):

Save a spline in json format to the specified filename (full path).

  • fileName (string): The full path to the file containing the spline. Can be a relative path.
  • *additional_splines (Spline): More splines to save in the same file.
See Also

load: Load splines in json format from the specified filename (full path).

def scale(self, multiplier):

Scale a spline by the given scalar or scale vector.

  • multiplier (scalar, array-like, or Spline): A scalar, an array of length nDep, or spline that specifies the multiplier.
  • spline (Spline): The scaled spline.
See Also

multiply: Multiply two splines (cross, dot, or scalar product).
transform: Transform a spline by the given matrix.
translate: Translate a spline by the given translation vector.


Equivalent to spline * multiplier.

def section(xytk):

Fit a planar section to the list of 4-tuples of data.

  • xytk (array-like): A list of points to fit an interpolating spline to. Each point in the list contains four values. The first two are x and y coordinates of the point. The third value is the angle that the tangent makes as the desired section passes through that point (in degrees). The fourth value is the desired curvature at that point
  • spline (Spline): A quartic spline which interpolates the given values.

The spline is shape-preserving. Each consecutive pair of data points must describe a convex or concave curve. In particular, if it is impossible for a differentiable curve to interpolate two consecutive data points without passing through an intermediate inflection point (i.e. a point which has zero curvature and at which the sign of the curvature changes), then this method will fail with an error.

See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.

def solve_ode(self, nLeft, nRight, FAndF_u, tolerance=1e-06, args=()):

Numerically solve an ordinary differential equation with boundary conditions.


self : Spline The initial guess for the solution to the spline. All of the spline parameters, e.g. order, boundary conditions, domain, etc. are all established by the initial guess. The ODE itself must be of the form u^(nOrder)(t) = F(t, u, u', ... , u^(nOrder-1)). self.nDep should be the same as the number of state variables in the ODE.

nLeft : integer The number of boundary conditions to be imposed on the left side of the domain. The order of the differential equation is assumed to be the sum of nLeft and nRight.

nRight : integer The number of boundary conditions to be imposed on the right sie of the domain. The order of the differential equation is assumed to be the sum of nLeft and nRight.

FAndF_u : Python function FAndF_u must have exactly this calling sequence: FAndF_u(t, uData, *args). t is a scalar set to the desired value of the independent variable of the ODE. uData will be a numpy matrix of shape (self.nDep, nOrder) whose columns are (u, ... , u^(nOrder - 1). It must return a numpy vector of length self.nDep and a numpy array whose shape is (self.nDep, self.nDep, nOrder). The first output vector is the value of the forcing function F at (t, uData). The numpy array is the array of partial derivatives with respect to all the numbers in uData. Thus, if this array is called jacobian, then jacobian[:, i, j] is the gradient of the forcing function with respect to uData[i, j].

tolerance : scalar The relative error to which the ODE should get solved.

args : tuple Additional arguments to pass to the user-defined function FAndF_u. For example, if FAndF_u has the FAndF_u(t, uData, a, b, c), then args must be a tuple of length 3.


This method uses B-splines as finite elements. The ODE itself is discretized using collocation.

def sphere(radius, tolerance=None):

Construct a sphere of the given radius.

  • radius (scalar): The desired radius of the sphere
  • tolerance (scalar, optional): The desired absolute tolerance to which the sphere should be constructed. Defaults to 1.0e-12 if tolerance == None.
  • spline (Spline): A bi-quartic spline approximation to a sphere of the specified radius, accurate to the given tolerance.

The resulting mapping is defined over the unit square. The first independent variable corresponds to the latitude of the sphere, with 0 mapping to the south pole, 1 mapping to the north pole, and 0.5 mapping to the equator. The second independent variable is the longitude, with 0 mapping to the meridian which is coplanar with the positive x-axis.

See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.
multiply: Multiply two splines together.

def subtract(self, other, indMap=None):

Subtract two splines.

  • other (Spline): The spline to subtract from self. The number of dependent variables must match self.
  • indMap (iterable or None, optional): An iterable of indices or pairs of indices. Each index refers to an independent variable. Within the iterable, a single index, n, maps the nth independent variable of self to the same independent variable of other. A pair (n, m) maps the nth independent variable of self to the mth independent variable of other. For example, if you wanted to compute self(u, v, w) - other(u, w), you'd pass [0, (2, 1)] for indMap. Unmapped independent variables remain independent (the default). The domains of mapped independent variables must match. An independent variable can map to no more than one other independent variable.
  • spline (Spline): The result of subtracting other from self.
See Also

add: Add two splines.
multiply: Multiply two splines.
common_basis: Align a collection of splines to a common basis, elevating the order and adding knots as needed.


Equivalent to spline1 - spline2 with indMap = range(min(spline1.nInd, spline2.nInd)).

Uses common_basis to ensure mapped variables share the same order and knots.

def tangent_space(self, uvw):

Return the tangent space of the spline.

  • uvw (array-like): The value at which to evaluate the tangent space.
  • tangentSpace (numpy.array): The nDep x nInd matrix of tangent vectors (tangents are the columns).
def to_dict(self):

Return a dict with Spline data.

  • dictionary (dict):
See Also

from_dict: Create a Spline from a data in a dict.

def torus(innerRadius, outerRadius, tolerance=None):

Construct a torus of the given radii.

  • innerRadius (scalar): The desired inner radius of the torus
  • outerRadius (scalar): The desired outer radius of the torus
  • tolerance (scalar, optional): The desired absolute tolerance to which the tolerance should be constructed. Defaults to 1.0e-12 if tolerance == None.
  • spline (Spline): A bi-quartic spline approximation to a torus of the specified radii, accurate to the given tolerance.

The resulting mapping is defined over the unit square. The first independent variable controls the angular position of the cross sectional circles. The second independent variable specifies the point on each cross section.

See Also

circular_arc: Create a 2D circular arc for a given radius and angle accurate to within a given tolerance.
add: Add two splines together.
multiply: Multiply two splines together.

def transform(self, matrix, matrixInverseTranspose=None):

Transform a spline by the given matrix.

  • matrix (array-like): An array of size newNDepxnDep that specifies the transform matrix.
  • matrixInverseTranspose (numpy.array, optional): The inverse transpose of matrix (not used for splines).
  • spline (Spline): The transformed spline.
See Also

scale: Scale a spline by the given scalar or scale vector.
translate: Translate a spline by the given translation vector.


Equivalent to spline @ matrix.

def translate(self, translationVector):

Translate a spline by the given translation vector.

  • translationVector (array-like): An array of length nDep that specifies the translation vector.
  • spline (Spline): The translated spline.
See Also

scale: Scale a spline by the given scalar or scale vector.
transform: Transform a spline by the given matrix.


Equivalent to spline + translationVector.

def transpose(self, axes=None):

Transpose the domain of a spline, changing the order of independent variables.

  • axes (iterable, optional): If specified, it must be an iterable which contains a permutation of [0,1,…,nInd-1]. The i'th independent variable of the returned spline will correspond to the axes[i] variable of the input. If not specified, defaults to range(nInd)[::-1], which reverses the order of the independent variables.
  • spline (Spline): Trimmed spline. If all the knots are unchanged, the original spline is returned.
See Also

numpy.transpose: Returns an array with axes transposed.


Use spline.transpose(argsort(axes)) to invert the transposition when using the axes argument.

def trim(self, newDomain):

Trim the domain of a spline.

  • newDomain (array-like): nInd x 2 array of the new lower and upper bounds on each of the independent variables (same form as returned from domain). If a bound is None or nan then the original bound (and knots) are left unchanged.
  • spline (Spline): Trimmed spline. If all the knots are unchanged, the original spline is returned.
See Also

domain: Return the domain of a spline.
extrapolate: Extrapolate a spline out to an extended domain maintaining a given order of continuity.

def trimmed_range_bounds(self, domainBounds):

Return the trimmed range bounds for the spline.

  • domainBounds (array-like): An array with shape (nInd, 2) of lower and upper and lower bounds on each independent variable.
  • trimmedSpline, rangeBounds (Spline, np.array): A spline trimmed to the given domain bounds, and the range of the trimmed spline given as lower and upper bounds on each dependent variable.
See Also

trim: Trim the domain of a spline.
range_bounds: Return the range of a spline as lower and upper bounds on each of the dependent variables.

def unfold(self, foldedInd, coefficientlessSpline):

Unfold the coefficients of an original spline's indicated independent variables back into the spline, using the indicated independent variables' knots and orders from a second spline with no coefficients.

  • foldedInd (iterable): An iterable that specifies the independent variables whose coefficients should be unfolded.
  • coefficientlessSpline (Spline): The coefficientless spline that retains the indicated independent variables' knots and orders.
See Also

fold: Fold the coefficients of a spline's indicated independent variables into the coefficients of the remaining independent variables.


Given a spline whose coefficients are an nDep x n0 x ... x nk array and a list of (ordered) indices which form a proper subset of {n0, ... , nk}, it should return 2 splines. The first one is a spline with k + 1 - length(index subset) independent variables where the knot sets of all the dimensions which have been removed have been removed. However, all of the coefficient data is still intact, so that the resulting coefficient array has shape (nDep nj0 nj1 ... njj) x nk0 x ... x nkk. The second spline should be a spline with 0 dependent variables which contains all the knot sequences that were removed from the spline. The unfold method takes the two splines as input and reverses the process, returning the original spline.

Here's an example. Suppose spl is a spline with 3 independent variables and 3 dependent variables which has nCoef = [4, 5, 6] and knots = [knots0, knots1, knots2]. Then spl.fold([0, 2]) should return a spline with 1 independent variable and 72 dependent variables. It should have nCoef = [5], knots = [knots1], and its coefs array should have shape (72, 5). The other spline should have 0 dependent variables, 2 independent variables, and knots = [knots0, knots2]. How things get ordered in coefs probably doesn't matter so long as unfold unscrambles things in the corresponding way. The second spline is needed to hold the basis information that was dropped so that it can be undone.

def zeros(self, epsilon=None):

Find the roots of a spline (nInd must match nDep).

  • epsilon (float, optional): Tolerance for root precision. The root will be within epsilon of the actual root. The default is the machine epsilon.
  • roots (iterable): An iterable containing the roots of the spline. If the spline is zero over an interval, that root will appear as a tuple of the interval. For curves (nInd == 1), the roots are ordered.
See Also

intersect: Intersect two splines.
contour: Fit a spline to the contour defined by F(x) = 0.


For curves (nInd == 1), it implements interval Newton's method from Grandine, Thomas A. "Computing zeroes of spline functions." Computer Aided Geometric Design 6, no. 2 (1989): 129-136. For all higher dimensions, it implements the projected-polyhedron technique from Sherbrooke, Evan C., and Nicholas M. Patrikalakis. "Computation of the solutions of nonlinear polynomial systems." Computer Aided Geometric Design 10, no. 5 (1993): 379-405.